Mar 22, 2019

The Passive Vs. Active Fund Monitor (Year-end 2018)

This report describes the competitive landscape for passively and actively managed funds since 2006 in Canada and the United States.


Data Update: Year-end 2018
Published: Spring 2019

In 2018, Canadian passive funds increased their market share from 10.0% to 10.5% on the back of a positive flow of $9 billion. Meanwhile, Canadian active funds attracted $6 billion. We estimate that Canadian passive funds post a weighted average Management Expense Ratio of 0.30%, compared to a substantial 1.66% for active funds. In the U.S., passive funds increased their market share from 35% to 37%. U.S. passive funds attracted $453 billion. Meanwhile, active funds experienced an outflow of $304 billion.

Since 2007, Canadian passive funds have doubled their market share, from 4.8% to 10.5%. During that period, passive funds attracted a cumulative $70 billion in net new money compared to $83 billion for active funds. Since 2006, U.S. passive funds have more than doubled their market share, from 16% to 37%, and attracted a net money flow of $3.8 trillion, compared to a modest $583 billion for active funds.

Overall, passive funds are slowly gaining ground in Canada, while grabbing market share at a fast pace in the U.S. If passive funds keep increasing market share at the current rate, they could represent 50% of the U.S. fund industry by 2025. We also highlight the substantial savings realized by the Canadian investors who choose passive funds. Considering the 1.36% fee difference between active and passive fund fees, we estimate this net saving to $1.6 Billion dollar for 2018. In our opinion, an individual active manager needs exceptional skill to overcome such a high hurdle in favor of passive funds and outperform a basic, total market fund.

The Passive Vs. Active Fund Monitor (Year-end 2018)

Raymond Kerzérho
Raymond Kerzérho

Raymond is the Senior Researcher, and Head, Shared Services Research at PWL Capital. He rigorously analyzes PWL’s investment strategies and makes sure they are well supported by academic research. Raymond has worked extensively as an institutional portfolio manager, with a particular focus on fixed-income securities and derivative products.

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