Nov 06, 2015

Value Proposition Twelve Value-Added Services Performed by Investment Advisors


It is difficult to estimate the value that can be obtained from a competent investment advisor. This paper reviews 12 value-added services performed by competent investment advisors. Nine of these services are difficult to quantify, and three are reasonably quantifiable.

We conclude that these quantifiable services may add as much as 3.22% to long-term investor returns.

Value Proposition Twelve Value-Added Services Performed by Investment Advisors

Raymond Kerzérho
Raymond Kerzérho

Raymond is the Senior Researcher, and Head, Shared Services Research at PWL Capital. He rigorously analyzes PWL’s investment strategies and makes sure they are well supported by academic research. Raymond has worked extensively as an institutional portfolio manager, with a particular focus on fixed-income securities and derivative products.

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